The chest pain patients won't be as memorable as the cancer patient who threw me out of his room, told the entire nurses station and my attending that I "need to work on my bedside manner", then proceeding to bad-mouth me to everyone who entered his room for the rest of the day. Prior to this explosion I had consulted mental health for issues with the patient's depression. I ended up being immortalized in the consultation note as "the clown..." Oh well.
Had a good run this morning. Not really sure what was going on with my pace for the 3/4 of a mile. The Nike+ calculated it as a 5'34"/mile pace. Heck, if that's true maybe I should do my time trials post call!

I'm hoping this lighter jog will loosen me up for a time trial mile tomorrow. I'm going to try for a mile under 7'44". If today's first mile was accurate then, that shouldn't be a problem. I don't want to set too lofty of goals just yet. I'm not yet accustomed to running on pavement.
Shower time. I stink.
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