Philosophically I had a problem with the idea of paying for a new
iPod nano ($149 - $249) and special
Nike running shoes ($99 - $129) to get back into running. That was until Karen got a Nike+ kit to use with the nano I bought her for her birthday. Man, did that thing seem cool. She showed me online the detailed graphical representation of her run. She showed me the tracking of the goals she had set for herself. Neato!
It was then clear to me how freaking cool this Nike+ system was. Don't get me wrong -- I was annoyed that the Video iPod I already owned wasn't compatible with the Nike+ system. I also wasn't happy that I couldn't (well not exactly) continue to use the
New Balance brand of running shoes that I've been wearing for about four years. But hey, this setup is cool and I've got to exercise.
LA Fitness thing has been going pretty well, but a continued problem is the extra time and energy it takes to drive to the "meat market" and get my gear situated. You might be thinking that the 4 mile drive is trivial, but only if I'm working a 40 hour week -- a rarity. This month when I'm working 70-90 hours a week that extra time really cuts into my motivation. Running is a nice alternative where instead of spending time driving I can spend it breaking a sweat.
I wanted to try to save a buck or two by keeping my NB shoes and getting a sock for the Nike+ sensor. The
reports I read on concerned me about this idea. There were a handful of reports that the sock didn't allow the sensor to read properly causing the distance of runs to be shortchanged. I sure wouldn't want to take a chance of ruining my enjoyment of the new product by having my runs belittled by an aftermarket workaround to the Nike+ shoes.
As you can probably guess, I went ahead and bought the whole setup. Pretty sweet. I bought my Video iPod about two years ago and forgot how
easy it was to setup Apple toys. I just had to plug it in to my Mac Pro and add some music to my new toy (I got the
red 8gig one!). It took nothing to pop the sensor into my new Nike shoes and it instantly was communicating with my new nano.
I couldn't wait to get running so that's what I did (despite the sun was falling). And here's my first run...

I'm excited about this device. Now despite Karen being in Vermont we can both see each other runs. I just can't share Virgil with her. I've set some goals that I can track and also have already challenged Karen too see who can run the most miles this month -- too bad she's hurt her leg.
I'll give an update soon enough! Got to get some rest for my run in the morning.