An amateur exposed security flaws in US governmental computers to unlock the truth about UFO's and aliens. He has also revealed evidence that makes it sound like they exist. He's likely going to jail or worse. He's being charged with crimes that will likely cause him to be extradited to the US for trial. The punishment could be at much at 70 years in jail (possibly Guantanimo Bay) and over a $1,000,000 in fines.
Okay, this is seriously scary. Despite this guy sounding like the friendly-hacker-next-door, I think he did something completely irresponsible. What exactly is his sympathy plea based on? "Yes, my hand was in the cookie jar, but I was only looking for knowledge." Puhhlease. Could someone please keep people out of our government secrets and computers that aren't supposed to be there?
I also propose that this guy has been alone with his dial-up modem and computer for far too long. He's said to be an out of work computer programmer who: 1) doesn't understand why it's wrong to break into government computers; 2) is dumb enough to joke about revealing the secrets. Don't we have government agencies that make people disappear for stuff like this? Maybe this action of actually trying the guy for the crimes is a sign that they're more worried about making an example of him than they are about what he's found out. If he had dangerous government secrets, I doubt he's be giving interviews.
Check out the story!
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