Friday, October 31, 2008

Colbert: McCain's Campaign an Elaborate Prank

Is John McCain the Beltway's answer to Ashton Kutcher? Perhaps. Then again that would mean his wife is considerably older than him. So unless Cindy McCain is secretly a tortoise or a Yoda, the John McCain:Ashton Kutcher metaphor doesn't completely hold water. They both love a good punk'd'ing though.

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Thursday, October 09, 2008

One of the Best Letterman Top 10s

Top Ten Messages Left On Sarah Palin's Answering Machine    
 10.        "Hi, it's John McCain; I had to go to bed. How'd it go?"    

9.            "Hi, Katie Couric here. Have you thought of a Supreme Court case yet?"    

 8.          "Hi, it's Bill Clinton. Let me know when Todd's out of town"    

7.            "My name is Joseph Sixpack -- knock it off"    

6.            "Hi, Katie Couric again -- think of any newspapers yet?"    

5.            "Buy the Late Show Fun Facts book. It's a bridge to hilarity"    

4.            "John McCain again; could you pick up my prescriptions?"    

3.            "Senator Larry Craig here -- do you have Joe Biden's phone number?"    

2.            "McCain again; do you remember where I parked the Straight Talk Express?"    

1.            "It's President Bush. If you're at the debate, who's watchin' Russia?"