Sunday, April 27, 2008

Running Again and New Website Creation

I started running again on Friday morning. I put in three miles next to the road by my house. I've been pretty sore this weekend. Running just ain't the same as the elliptical machine.

I threw together a website for my residency program, Diagnostic Radiology at Fletcher Allen Health Care / University of Vermont at I think it's getting a lot of good interval reviews so far. Hopefully, it will become a useful Departmental tool in the near future.

The site was created using Joomla on a hosted website utilizing MySQL 5.0.

Components added:

  • AllVideos Reloaded
  • GCalendar
  • Attachments for Articles Extension.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Vioxx Shows US How the Pharmaceutical Companies Tell Lies

The Vioxx lawsuit demonstrates that scientific articles on Vioxx were written by pharmaceutical employees but the lead authorship was given to academic physicians who didn't write and sometimes didn't read the material. This was done w/o mentioning who actually wrote the articles and that money from Merck was given.Ghost writing and guest authorship are destroying the basis of academic pharmaceutical research!

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